Release Notes - Job Scheduler - Version 1.3.7 From Job Scheduler release 1.3.7 a java environment at least 1.6.x is required * Release 0123 ** Bug * [JS-487] - sos.scheduler.ftp.JobSchedulerFTPReceive does not work. Could not get PID, cause: java.lang.Exception: missing executable File getParentId.exe in Library * [JS-488] - Startscript for windows throws error SCHEDULER-121 sometimes without reason * Release 0116 ** Bug * [JS-482] - Using FTP-Receive in a job_chain with parameters at the node, the job fails ** Improvement * [JS-483] - Startsite of ManagedJobsGUI depends on user permissions * Release 0104 ** Bug * [JS-344] - Wrong number of orders at Job Chain Nodes * [JS-346] - Function "show start times" returns an insufficient result * [JS-347] - Function "set run time" returns sometimes WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR * [JS-348] - Function "set run time" reads always empty run times from Hot Folder objects * [JS-349] - group button in timetables dialog throws error using postgresql * [JS-351] - Endless loop at the managed explorer php site (job chains, jobs, orders) if cookies disabled * [JS-361] - Browse of Job chain in Order Editor is not possible * [JS-363] - Adding notes to to a the description of a job chain node * [JS-364] - Show Description is disabled when a description is set. * [JS-368] - Remote Execution fails with SCHEDULER-286 when used too often * [JS-369] - Changing a process class generates an empty process class item * [JS-373] - Timeout in hh:mm:ss cannot be entered in Editor because the Editor does not allow ":" * [JS-374] - Schedule Calendar doesn't show names of some months * [JS-376] - In task detail view "Order:" shows the task id instead of the order id * [JS-377] - Creating a new chain may delete an existing chain * [JS-378] - Editing Job Chain Node Parameters does not work with "Open Hot Folder by FTP" * [JS-383] - Renaming a job chain should not delete parameters * [JS-384] - Copy & Paste of an order creates an order with the same name and deletes the original order. * [JS-385] - A schedule with errors cannot be edited in the web interface * [JS-386] - Filters don't match any objects with paths that contain special characters of regular expressions * [JS-410] - Orders are ordered strangely in Job Chain view * [JS-420] - Job Scheduler Editor deletes Job Chain name when renaming a job chain that has an order * [JS-421] - SCHEDULER_RETURN_VALUES does not work when a monitor is assigned ** Improvement * [JS-355] - Standard filters for displaying jobs * [JS-356] - Jobkette running -> active * [JS-358] - Changing the status of a node should not delete the node parameters * [JS-359] - Change of Parameters should be saved when clicking on another Parameter in the list * [JS-360] - Importing Parameters from Jobs with documentation should not show list of Jobs but list of Parameters * [JS-362] - Tabbing through a mask should automatically select the value of input fields * [JS-365] - Changing order of Parameters for the Parameters of a Node * [JS-367] - Deleting a job chain should be confirmed * [JS-372] - ./bin/jobscheduler_event script can be used for checking events * [JS-379] - Delete Button for Job Chain Node Parameters * [JS-381] - Enable using the Shebang in script language=shell jobs * [JS-391] - Built-in HTML GUI supports SeaMonkey * [JS-439] - Some Improvements in the Layout of the Forms * [JS-443] - JobSchedulerRotateLog job can delete log files * [JS-458] - Environment variables in startscript are removed to new file * [JS-477] - Additional (komplex) XML-Element in XML Configuration File for flexible Job documentation * [JS-478] - Java Components (Jars) of the Job Scheduler must be created by a central build process. The Jar filenames must include version information. ** New Feature * [JS-328] - Send warning mails if a job takes longer or shorter than expected * [JS-345] - Built-in HTML GUI provides multilingualism (en/de) * [JS-441] - New switch to start job Scheduler paused * [JS-455] - Built-in HTML GUI knows its own svn version ** Sub-task * [JS-330] - add attributes to Job Editor The Job Scheduler change log is available at