Release Notes - Job Scheduler - Version 1.3.8 From Job Scheduler release 1.3.7 a java environment at least 1.6.x is required * Release 0211 ** Bug * [JS-541] - JobSchedulerFTPReceive: job sets params "ftp_result_filepaths","ftp_result_filenames" incorrectly * [JS-545] - Order-/Job-Parameter for Output to stdout is empty * [JS-549] - Wrong link in top_frame_compact.html if proxy alias is used instead of http://[scheduler_host]:[scheduler_port] * [JS-550] - Attribute on_exit_code of commands element does not work properly ** Improvement * [JS-538] - job_chain should be not run parallel * [JS-542] - Standardjob JobSchedulerCleanupFiles: write deleted files/filenames to log * [JS-543] - Function "show description" loads the file/live_file value directly into the window location * [JS-546] - Refactoring of SSH-Job ** Task * [JS-548] - Some job/order parameters are hidden in the 'Start job/order parametrized' dialog * Release 0190 ** Bug * [JS-375] - Job Timeout doesn't work correctly for shell jobs with multiple tasks * [JS-380] - Job Scheduler freeze after * [JS-389] - Suspending an order by scheduler api puts the order into blacklist * [JS-401] - Increasing a lock that is used by a job does not work * [JS-422] - Order XML overflows for repeated orders * [JS-444] - Include with attribute live_file does not work * [JS-449] - Increasing java memory in factory.ini doesn't work * [JS-457] - File timestamp of Jobs is one hour in the past. * [JS-462] - -configuration-directory does not work * [JS-497] - Editing the runtime of an order on the operations gui (which has an active repeat interval) will cause the order to run twice * [JS-501] - Configuration Monitor does not substitute Parameters from the Task. Only Order Parameters, Environment Variables and Scheduler Parameters are used for substitution. * [JS-509] - Timetable: "Server 500" Error after calling context menu item "show protocol" * [JS-510] - The "environment" element (in job) is placed at the wrong position * [JS-518] - Check if object is already synchronized avoid submitting unnecessarily * [JS-520] - Problems with installation paths containing ')' (i.e. C:\Program Files (x86)) * [JS-527] - Operations GUI alters filestamp with timezone * [JS-529] - In jobeditor.cmd the SCHEDULER_HOME/lib is to be changed to INSTALL_PATH/lib ** Improvement * [JS-447] - Hide the function "Start task unforced now" per configuration * [JS-471] - Job Scheduler could handle more than 64 parallel processes * [JS-481] - Supervisor-Scheduler is able to recognize unexpected lost TCP connections to a Workload Scheduler and avoid unused open TCP connections * [JS-517] - Decreasing PHP error reporting level to E_ALL if E_STRICT is set * [JS-526] - Improved request/response behaviour of the Operations GUI (ca. 50%-80% faster) * [JS-530] - jobeditor.cmd use jobscheduler_environment_variables.cmd ** New Feature * [JS-451] - It's possible to reload configuration files in Job Editor * [JS-507] - New command for displaying statistic information about jobscheduler * [JS-521] - Hierachacle view for jobs in the Operations GUI * [JS-522] - Hierachacle view for job chains in the Operations GUI ** Task * [JS-528] - The site "Job Efficiency" is not longer available The Job Scheduler change log is available at